Monday, June 4, 2012

JobOrder 2012: Prioritizer and Hot Sheet

JobOrder 2012: Prioritizer and Hot Sheet

In JobOrder, the Prioritizer and the Hot Sheet allow Traffic Managers to create detailed plans for all Tasks.


This guide assumes that you are already familiar with JobOrder and know how to use Areas, Power Tools, Reports, and Utilities.

In this guide, the following words have been changed by entering substitute Terminology words in System Preferences:
‘Tactic is the Terminology for ‘Phase’.
‘Task’ is the Terminology for ‘Activity’.
‘Campaign’ is the Terminology for ‘Program’.
‘Project Manager is the Terminology for ‘Job Manager’.


A Task is a component of a Tactic, which is a component of a Job. If you think of a Tactic as the stages of development of a Job (or a proposed Job, as created through an Estimate), then the Tasks are the discrete parts of a Tactic. They are the specific things you do, or steps you take, to accomplish a Job. Whereas a Tactic may encompass weeks or even months, Tasks are often only one day or a few days long.

Every Task must be attached to a Tactic. A Tactic could theoretically have no Tasks, only Expenses, but in most Jobs, every Tactic will have at least one Task.

Tasks allow you to budget time in advance, to bill for time on completed Jobs, and to compose a work schedule. For this reason, Tasks are one of the key ingredients of Jobs, and since Jobs are at the heart of JobOrder, you will likely visit the Tasks Area frequently, usually through a Job.

Tasks contain dates, budgeted and actual hours, and budgeted and actual dollars.


Priorities are used to schedule parts of Tasks for Resources, either individually or in a group.
Each Priority record is assigned to a Task in a Tactic and has:
Resource (or may remain temporarily Unassigned)
Date Due and Time Due
Completion Date and Completion Time
Anticipated Hours
Percent Complete
Comments and Notes, and several other fields

Priority Lists

Before using the Prioritizer, please create Lists marked as ‘Priority Lists’ for each Task Description. In the Lists area you can import Priority Lists easily using the ‘Import Items’ button.

The Prioritizer

The Prioritizer is a JobOrder Power Tool used to Create, Assign, and Edit Priorities.

Creating Priorities

Before using the Prioritizer, please create Lists marked as ‘Priority Lists’ for each Task Description.

To create new Priorities in the Prioritizer with the fewest keystrokes, we recommend the following process:

Go into the Prioritizer. Select the Job to be prioritized. Select the Task to Prioritize.

Depending upon how many Priorities are to be scheduled, you can either create all the Priorities for a Task using the ‘Create Standard Priorities’ button or create Priorities individually using the ‘Create Priorities’ button at the bottom of the ‘Resources with Time Slip access to the selected Task’ subform. In this document we will assume that you are using ‘Create Standard Priorities’. The ‘Create Standard Priorities’ will display the List Items created for this Task Description.

If you have selected ‘Priorities for’ ‘Unassigned’, all of the Priorities that have just been created will be visible on the ‘Create’ tab.

Assigning Priorities

Click on the ‘Assign tab to assign the newly created Priorities to individual Resources.

On the left you will see all the ‘Unassigned’ Priorities. On the right you can select the Individual Resources who will be assigned to each Priority. If the required Resources are not visible in the popup, use the “…’ button to select the needed Resources.  If you use the ‘…’ button to select the Resources to display, the same Resources will be automatically available in the Resource popup on the ‘Edit’ tab.

In the popup on the right, select a Resource to assign. Drag each Priority from the left to the right to assign to the selected Resource. Continue until all Resources have been assigned.

Editing Priorities

Click on the ‘Edit’ tab to give each Resource the details of each Priority. Click on each Priority that needs to have Details entered.

On the ‘Edit tab, JobOrder now fills the ‘Priorities for’ popup with the Resources selected on the right side of the ‘Arrange’ tab. Making any changes here automatically changes the ‘Arrange’ tab popup. The ‘Save Settings…’ popup item saves the selected Resources.

On the 'Edit’ tab, we have added a subform for ‘Instructions'. Using the ‘Instruction Wizard’ button, you can select the Job Description, the Job Specifications, or Change Orders to be displayed on the Hot Sheet as instructions for the Resource performing the Priority. Change Order Attachments will be automatically added when their parent Change Order is selected.

Prioritizer Calendar

Prioritizer Calendar combines all the management features of Prioritizer into one visual area with simple updating of Resources and Dates.
Priorities can be dragged to new dates.

Hot Sheet

In the Hot Sheet the user can see all of their Priorities, They can see only Open Priorities, Completed Priorities, or can filter by Date Due. They can also mark Priorities Completed.

Hot Sheet Instructions

In the Hot Sheet when the Resource selects a Priority, the appropriate Instruction items will be displayed and can be double-click

Management Software Incorporated

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Homer, NY 13077 USA

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