Monday, July 6, 2009

JobOrder 2009 is now available!

JobOrder solves business process problems for project-based service businesses. With a consistent, easy-to-learn interface, JobOrder stores all of your project information in one place, eliminating endless double entry, and gives you analytical tools to solve problems you thought were impossible.

There is one simple and unique secret to our success. For most businesses in our target markets, JobOrder’s existing code will solve 95% of your problems. But that’s not good enough. We’ve learned that creative service businesses always have unique skills and processes that distinguish them from their competition; otherwise they have no reason to exist. But if you have unique skills and processes, it’s CERTAIN that canned software will not help you automate your processes; by definition, what you do that’s special is UNIQUE.

JobOrder’s programmers will LISTEN to you, understand how your UNIQUE processes work, and modify our software to meet your SPECIFIC requirements. We build your processes into our code base so that you NEVER have to pay for integrating your custom changes into JobOrder upgrades.

Customizing JobOrder to meet your specific requirements is the best of all possible worlds; you can take advantage of millions of dollars of existing “best practices” software code, pay once for the customization to include your UNIQUE features and then keep your amazing software a secret from your competitors.

Because JobOrder’s operating principles are so straightforward, your staff can learn the basics of JobOrder in a couple of days of training. When you want to move on to more advanced concepts, you’ll discover that the operating principles are the same as the basic concepts; that makes learning new concepts a straightforward matter of understanding where we store the information and the terminology we use to describe it.

Victor Siegle

JobOrder is comprehensive.
JobOrder is practical.
JobOrder enhances productivity.
JobOrder is simple.
JobOrder is powerful.
JobOrder is automated.
JobOrder is ingenious.
JobOrder is organized.

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